Which Type Of Lord Ganesh Idols Are Best For Your Office And Home

Which Type Of Lord Ganesh Idols Are Best For Your Office And Home

Mar 12, 2024

The son of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh is the Supreme God of the Hindus and other religions. In lots of households in Asian countries, you can find Ganesh idols. Some place these idols to adorn our room, while others do it to get spiritual value. You may buy a Ganesh idol to place in your office and home. However, the difference in the idol design and materials may cause a variation in the implications. So, we talked about the type of Lord Ganesh idols that are best for our home and office.

Which Ganesh idol posture is best for your business?

Based on Ganesh's posture, we can get the favor of luck and thrive in our business. The standing pose, or Abhyanga posture, makes Lord Ganesh appear divine and magnanimous. When you have placed this type of idol, it will emanate enthusiasm and energy. However, you can avoid this standing statue at your home. Sitting on his lotus flower with a folded left leg, Lord Ganesh represents his meditation. He bestows blessings on His devotees in this posture.

Lord Ganesh idols in different colors – Find the right one for your purpose –

While buying Lord Ganesh's idol, you have to check out its colors. Most of us think that white Ganesh would increase our wealth and prosperity. However, you may also find other attractive colors of this idol. It is better to avoid black idols, which represent negativity. White idols are the right choice for both home and office. Some Ganesh idols are painted white, while others are made of beautiful white marble.

Trunk direction – Choosing the right Ganesh idols–

When buying Lord Ganesh idols, you may check out the trunk direction. The elephant-headed God has His trunk to the right or left side. You can choose the idol with the trunk curving to the left side. It will increase your prosperity. When the trunk is to the right, special worship is needed to avoid the wrath of God.

Other Ganesh idols, best for your home – Eco-friendly idols –

You can easily create an idol using mango peels, peepal leaves, and neem leaves. This eco-friendly handcrafted design attracts positive energy and good luck.

Crystal idols –

The Lord Ganesh idols, made of crystals, look very striking. Although some of us buy them for aesthetics, they have other values. These idols help in removing Vaastu Doshas. You will find a positive effect on your life.

Vermillion Ganesh idols –

Vermillion symbolizes mankind's dominance and control. Worshipping vermillion Ganesha idols promotes self-growth. Thus, to achieve higher potential, you may buy a vermillion idol for your home.

Begin your search for the best Ganesh idols for your office and home. Find the right type of idols to achieve success in life. Ganesha idols are available in different models, colors, and sizes.